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Dr Natalya Hanley

Junior Research Fellow

Post-doctoral researcher, Department of Education

Department of Education

PhD (University College, London); MDiv  (Torch Trinity University, South Korea); BA (South Kazakhstan State University)

Natalya Hanley is a postdoctoral researcher in International Students Mobility and World Development at the University of Oxford. She holds a PhD in education from the University College London, Institute of Education. Her PhD research investigated the contribution of Empathy-based pedagogy in Global Citizenship Education within a Kazakhstani secondary education context. Prior to her PhD, she completed a MDiv at Torch Trinity University (South Korea) and BA in Economics and Management at South Kazakhstan State University. 

Her research interests include the following areas: global and development education, critical pedagogy, empathy, global perspectives within formal and non-formal education.   

She is a member of British Association for International & Comparative Education (BAICE) and Academic Network on Global Education and Learning (ANGEL). She is also part of the Political Economy of Education Research (PEER) network Fellowship initiative led by four universities (Ulster, Cape Town, Nazarbayev and Sussex).   

Previously, she worked in the development sector as an educational development manager, educator and recently as a researcher. She developed and ran various projects, including Life-Experience, Global Hand, Youth Employment and Global Citizenship Education.  


Wang, Z., Hanley, N., Kwak, J., Vari-Lavoisier, I., Hussein, M.A., Sanchez Tyson, L., Akkad, A. (2024) ‘How do international student returnees contribute to the development of their home countries? A systematic mapping and thematic synthesis.’International Journal of Educational Research.

Hanley, N. (2024). Examination of the financial sustainability of NGO’s education programmes: Kazakhstani case study. In Durrani and Thibault (Eds.) Political Economy of Education in Central Asia: Evidence from the Field. 

Hanley, N. (2023). Global Citizenship Education in Kazakhstan. In D. Bourn (Ed.), Research in Global Learning. London: UCL Press. 

Hanley, N., Ospanova, U., Baimakhanbetov. (2022) ‘Development of Functional Literacy in Secondary Education: Thematic Discourse Analysis’. KazNUU.

Hanley, N. (2022) ‘Book Review’: Global Learning and International Development in the age of Neoliberalism, McCloskey, S. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 14(1), 12-14. 

Hanley, N. (2021) ‘The contribution of empathy-based pedagogy in global citizenship education: Kazakhstani context’. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 13 (2), 79–93. 

Hanley, N. (Forthcoming). Empathy and Global Education. In D. Bourn & A. Pasha. ’Global Education’. Bloomsbury Encyclopaedia of Social Justice in Education, Volume 10. 

Hanley, N., Sanchez Tyson, L., Wang, Z., Kwak, J., Akkad, A., Vari-Lavoisier I. (Submitted) ‘Impact of Professional Mobility Programs: A Systematic Literature Review.’  

Hanley, N. and Shvetsova, Y. (Submitted) ‘Exploring Educator Agencies in NGO education within the conflict-affected context of Kazakhstan.’ Education and Conflict Review, UCL Press.