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For Fellows

Fellows play an important role in the life of the College; working with College staff to help provide a rich and distinctive Oxford experience for Kellogg students, contributing to the academic, social, and cultural life at Kellogg, and ensuring the College is governed effectively.

There are a number of different categories of Fellow, and information on these roles is listed below.

College advising

The majority of Fellows are College Advisors, and this is a vital part of Fellows’ contribution to College. Information about this role and the importance it has for a student’s experience of College can be found in the College Advisors’ Handbook. Details about  Fellows’ involvement in student progress meetings are also available.

Contributing to College life

Fellows are expected and encouraged to contribute to the life of the College in other ways: chiefly through the academic, social, and pastoral aspects of Kellogg, but are also welcome to contribute to the cultural and sporting life of the College as well. There is a lively programme of seminars and talks for all College members, together with concerts and sporting events. Fellows frequently organise and host a range of events and the Events team will be very happy to help you.

Official Fellows are elected on appointment to an affiliated post, approved by Governing Body; the University appointment comes with Fellowship attached.

The length of fellowship is co-terminous with the University post.  Official Fellows make up the Governing Body of the College and are required to attend Governing Body meetings and to participate in College committees as invited.

Official Fellows are required to act as student advisors.  The College Academic Office assigns around 12 students to each Fellow.

University cards allowing access to University buildings and the Bodleian as well as various online access are distributed through the Fellow’s department.  However, Kellogg will add a College ‘link’ that enables College access and provides a Kellogg email address.  Fellows’ cards access the main reception, the rear patio doors, no. 62 kitchen, and the Fellows’ work room as well as the post room for officers.  Official Fellows are also offered the use of the Fellows’ flat and short-term accommodation.

Kellogg has several meeting and event spaces which Fellows can book through the events team, when available, for College-related meetings (

Official Fellowship comes with the rights of Common Table which comprises free lunches and Guest Night Dinners as well as invitations to College-wide seminars and events.

Download our Official Fellows’ Information Pack

Ordinary Fellows are proposed by Official Fellows to Academic Committee and agreed by Governing Body. They hold academic or senior administrative University roles.

The length of fellowship is co-terminous with their University post.  Ordinary Fellows do not sit on the College’s Governing Body but may serve on College committees by invitation from the President.

Ordinary Fellows are required to act as student advisors.  The College Academic Office will assign around 12 students to each Fellow.

University cards allowing access to University buildings and the Bodleian as well as various online access are distributed through the Fellow’s department.  However, Kellogg will add a College ‘link’ that enables College access and provides a Kellogg email address.  Fellows’ cards access main reception, the rear patio doors, no. 62 kitchen, and the Fellows’ work room as well as the post room for officers.  Ordinary Fellows are also offered use of the Fellows’ flat and short-term accommodation.

Kellogg has several meeting and event spaces which Fellows can book through the events team, when available, for College-related meetings (

Ordinary Fellowship comes with the rights of Common Table which comprises free lunches and Guest Night Dinners as well as invitations to College-wide seminars and events.

Download our Ordinary Fellows’ Information Pack

Junior Research Fellows are employed by the University in a research role.  They apply to College when the fellowships are advertised in Hilary term and are interviewed by a panel comprising the Senior Tutor and other Fellows.

The length of fellowship is co-terminous with the University post or for 3 years, whichever is first.

Junior Research Fellows are required to act as student advisors.  The College Academic Office will assign around nine students to each JRF.

Junior Research Fellowship comes with the rights of Common Table which comprises discounted lunches and Guest Night Dinners per term, as well as invitations to College-wide seminars and events.

Closing dates: Junior Research Fellowships are recruited annually, usually in Hilary term. Please check the vacancies section of our website.

Download the Unofficial Guide 2024-2025 and the Junior Research Fellows Welcome Pack 

Senior Research Fellows and Research Fellows are proposed by Official Fellows and agreed by Governing Body. They hold senior research roles in the University and are associated with the work of the College Research Centres.

The length of fellowship is for two years and may be renewed by Governing Body to be co-terminous with the University appointment.

Senior Research Fellows and Research Fellows are required to act as student advisors.  The College Academic Office will assign around 6 students to each Fellow.

If the Research Centre is funded, a contribution to the cost of the Senior Research Fellow is £1500 per annum.

University cards allowing access to University buildings and the Bodleian as well as various online access are distributed through the Fellow’s department.  However, Kellogg will add a College ‘link’ that enables College access and provides a Kellogg email address.  Fellows’ cards access main reception, the rear patio doors, no. 62 kitchen, and the Fellows’ work room as well as the post room for officers.  Senior Research Fellows and Research Fellows are also offered use of the Fellows’ flat and short-term accommodation.

Kellogg has several meeting and event spaces which Fellows can book through the events team, when available, for College-related meetings (

Fellowship comes with the rights of Common Table which comprises free lunches and Guest Night Dinners as well as invitations to College-wide seminars and events.

Research Fellows and Senior Research Fellows Welcome Pack

Visiting Fellows are senior academics, sometimes at the University on a visiting basis, or Fellows who have left the University, normally for academic posts elsewhere.  Visiting Fellowships are proposed by Official Fellows to Academic Committee and agreed by Governing Body.

Unless renewed, the fellowship expires on the 30th September after a minimum of two years fellowship. Occasionally, fellowships are awarded co-terminous with a shorter visiting post.

Visiting Fellows may act as student advisors if invited by the President or Senior Tutor and with the approval of the Academic Committee, in which case the College Academic Office will assign around 6 students to each Visiting Fellow.

University cards allowing access to University buildings and the Bodleian as well as various online access are usually distributed through the Fellow’s department.  However, Kellogg’s College Administrator can issue an Academic Visitor card if needed.  If card is issued by department, the College Administrator will add a College ‘link’ that enables College access and provides a Kellogg email address.  Fellows’ cards access main reception, the rear patio doors, no. 62 kitchen, and the Fellows’ work room as well as the post room for officers.  Visiting Fellows are also offered use of the Fellows’ flat and short-term accommodation.

Kellogg has several meeting and event spaces which Fellows can book through the events team, when available, for College-related meetings (

Visiting Fellows can pay £25 (to rise to £28 for bookings from HT25 onwards) as part of the Visiting Fellowship. This includes the rights of Common Table which comprises free lunches and subsidised guest night dinners as well as being invited to College-wide seminars and events.

Download our Fellows’ Information Pack

Emeritus Fellows are retired Official or Supernumerary Fellows who intend to continue to be actively involved in and supportive of College life.  They are approved by Governing Body.

Fellowship is for life.

Emeritus Fellows may act as student advisors, in which case the College Academic Office will assign around 6 students to each Emeritus Fellow.

Emeritus Fellows may order their own University cards through the University website with ‘retired’ status for a £15 charge.  If a College link is requested on the form, Kellogg will approve and provide a Kellogg email address.  Fellows’ cards access main reception, the rear patio doors, no. 62 kitchen, and the Fellows’ work room as well as the post room for officers.  Emeritus Fellows are also offered use of meeting rooms, the Fellows’ flat and short-term accommodation.

Kellogg has several meeting and event spaces which Fellows can book through the events team, when available, for College-related meetings (

Emeritus Fellowship comes with the rights of Common Table which comprises free lunches and discounted Guest Night Dinners as well as invitations to College-wide seminars and events.

Download our Fellows’ Information Pack

Honorary Fellows are proposed by Official Fellows and agreed by the Governing Body.

Honourary Fellowship comes with the rights of Common Table which comprises free lunches and Guest Night Dinners and invitations to College-wide seminars and events.

Kellogg does not offer University cards to Honorary Fellows.

Download our Fellows’ Information Pack

Research Members of Common Room are elected through an application process led by the Research Coordinator.  Membership gives post-doctoral researchers a chance to contribute to and enjoy college life. The application process occurs annually and applications are made to the Academic Administrator, with a reference and statement as to how one would contribute to the life of the College, and are approved by the Research Coordinator.

Membership is renewable annually, coterminous with holding a (paid) research post in the University and attending an annual meeting.

RMCR are required to act as College Advisors. The College Academic Office will assign a maximum of 9 students to each member.

University cards allowing access to University buildings and the Bodleian as well as various online access are distributed through the members’ departments only.  Kellogg will add a College ‘link’ on University cards to enable access to the College Hub.

RMCR are offered the use of meeting rooms and short-term accommodation when available. Meeting and event spaces can be booked through the events team ( Membership comes with discounted lunches and Guest Night Dinners as well as invitations to College-wide seminars and events.

The application for Academic Year 2025/26 will open at the end of TT 2025.

Common Room members are proposed to Academic Committee by Official Fellows and agreed by Governing Body. Members can be non-academics, or academics whose standing is not regarded as of a Fellowship level.  The membership is £60 per annum.

The length of membership is one year and renewable annually with payment.

If invited by the President or Senior Tutor and approved by the Academic Committee, Common Room Members may act as student advisors, in which case the £60 fee will be waived. The College Academic Office will assign around 6 students to each member.

Common Room Members will receive invitations to College-wide seminars and events

Kellogg does not offer University cards to Common Room Members.

Download our Common Room Member Welcome Pack