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Offer holder FAQs

Congratulations on receiving an offer of admission to Kellogg College. We hope the following information, alongside your College Offer letter, is helpful.

I have received a college offer. What happens next?

There will be a link in the offer email to a form, which you should fill in with your offer response. You need to respond to the offer within the set deadline; if you miss the deadline, we will assume you are declining the offer.

I wish to decline my offer. What should I do?

If you wish to decline your college offer, you will be declining the offer from the department as well. We would appreciate it if you could inform us of this and your reason for declining the offer via the response form link in the offer email or by email to

Almost all our communications are sent by e-mail, to the e-mail address listed as the primary address in your initial application.

Following the completion of admission, you will receive messages from and from the College’s communications team.

My contact details have changed. What should I do?

If your contact details change, please make sure you update your record via Applicant Self Service

I am using a university or other e-mail address that will expire soon. What should I do?

We would recommend using a personal email address at the initial time of application. However, if you have applied using an institutional e-mail account, such as one provided by your current university, school, or by an employer, that is due to expire (e.g. after completion of current studies), please change this to an account that you will be able to access until at least October, the start of the academic intake.

Will I be offered accommodation?

The college offer does not include accommodation. Accommodation must be arranged separately based upon individual needs, with college accommodation being one option you should consider.

The College is able to offer accommodation for the majority of the full-time students who will commence their studies with us in the autumn. You will need to apply for this by the deadline specified in your offer letter. The offer letter provides further details of how to request accommodation through the College.

While most part-time students do not move to Oxford for their studies, we are very pleased to be able to offer short-stay, competitively priced, accommodation on the College site. This provides comfortable en suite rooms with easy access to College facilities and to many of the University’s Departments and services. Further information can be on our Short-stay Accommodation page.

I believe that the fee status in my Financial Declaration form is incorrect. Who should I contact?

If you believe that your fee status is incorrect or has changed, you can request a reassessment of your fee status. We would encourage you to read the information regarding University’s Fee Status before making the request. You will need to complete a fee questionnaire from the University and contact the Student Fees team at

I’ve already provided a Financial Declaration to my Department/Faculty/School. Do I need to send a copy to the College as well?

Where the financial condition is set and administered by the Department/Faculty/School responsible for the programme of study, the College does not need to see the completed Financial Declaration. Any necessary information will be communicated to the College internally.

There is a financial condition attached to my college offer, what do I do?

Please follow the instructions included with the Financial Declaration form. Further information regarding acceptable supporting documents can be found on the University’s Financial Declaration page. If you have any queries, please contact the College’s Admissions team at

Can I skip the Financial Declaration process by simply paying my fees upfront?

No, as this is a legal document in which you state that you can meet the fees for any subsequent years of study, and living costs, for the duration. It also forms a key reference point should a request for financial assistance need to be made in the future.

I’ve been told that the College can’t accept my Financial Declaration. What do I do?

You will be given time to try to meet the condition. Our message to you will say why we are unable to accept the Declaration as submitted and advise you how to meet our concerns. In most cases, this is simply a matter of providing additional evidence and/or clarifying what has been submitted.

If I meet the financial condition, do I become liable to pay fees?

No you do not. Meeting the financial condition tells us that you are able to pay fees and how you plan to do so, but it does not commit you to do so at that point. You normally become liable to pay fees only after you enrol (typically in September for those commencing study in the autumn).

Separate arrangements may apply where the financial condition is set by the admitting Department/Faculty/School. Deposits paid to the admitting Department/Faculty/School to secure a place are not normally refundable.

Do I need to show that I can pay my fees and living costs?

The University requires that all students demonstrate their ability to meet the costs of study. This is done through a Financial Declaration. If College requires you to meet a financial condition as part of your admission, this will be clearly stated in the College offer letter and a Financial Declaration form will be provided to you.

Am I required to pay a deposit to secure my college place?

Offers of admission to Kellogg College do not require the payment of a deposit.

You may be required to pay a deposit as part of the separate offer made to you by the admitting Department/Faculty/School. You may also be required to pay a deposit to secure a room in College accommodation. This will be dealt with separately.

When will I have to pay my fees?

If the College sets the financial condition, you will normally receive an invoice for your  first year of Course Fees during the course of September. This will be issued by email from the College Finance Office together with payment instructions. The deadline for payment will usually be in early October.

If the admitting Department/Faculty/School sets the financial condition, they will collect the fees.

I am going to need to pay my fees by instalments. Is that possible?

Fees for each year are normally paid in full at the start of the first term of the year (typically by early October). Payment can only be made after an invoice is received, usually provided at least a week before the payment deadline.

However, Kellogg College offers students the option of paying the Course Fee in monthly or termly instalments using the online payment method.

For further information regarding college fees, please visit our Course Fees web page. If you require assistance with your payment, please contact the College’s Finance Office at

If the admitting Department/Faculty/School sets the financial condition, then they will be responsible for collecting fees and you will need to enquire with them about this rather than the College.

Information on the University wide scholarships and details of who would be automatically considered can be found on the Fees and Funding page of the University website. There is also a section on when the Oxford Scholarships are likely to be awarded.

Information on Scholarships offered by Kellogg can be found on our  Scholarships page.

What do I do if I have a disability, long-term health condition, or specific learning difficulty?

During the time of your application and before you commence your studies, we strongly encourage you to follow the guidance provided by the University of Oxford regarding your disability and let the University’s Disability Advisory Service (DAS) know if you have (or think you might have) a disability, long-term health condition, or specific learning difficulty as early as possible, so that they can advise on the range of student supports available. A Disability Adviser will be happy to answer any questions you might have via e-mail ( or telephone (+44 (0) 1865 280459).

Kellogg’s Welfare and Disability Co-ordinator is Carina Klingenberg, the College’s Academic Registrar, who is happy to answer any questions you may have. You can contact Carina at

What happens when I have successfully completed the admissions process?

In mid-August we will publish information online about our Welcome Weeks: a series of induction and orientation events to help you settle in as a student and College member. Around the same time, we will start sending you a series of emails to help you prepare for the start of year. These emails will be sent to the email address used in the admissions process, and only when you have received confirmation from the University and/or the College that you have satisfied the conditions of your Offer, including financial and academic conditions.

Do I have to attend a  Ceremony?

Matriculation is the ceremony that marks the formal admission to the University. Not all students are required to matriculate in person, you can check which courses matriculate in absentia (without attending) here:

If your course requires you to matriculate in person, the main Matriculation Ceremony will take place on Saturday 18 October 2025. While the University of Oxford expects that all students will be in Oxford around this date for teaching. Kellogg College recognises that not all part-time courses have teaching in Oxford around this date. If your course does not require you to be in Oxford for teaching, Kellogg College expects those who live close enough to Oxford to attend.

If you are unable to attend, it is possible to request permission to postpone your attendance to a later matriculation ceremony. Permission to postpone your ceremony can be requested from early September.

If you have already matriculated at Oxford, or are starting a programme that matriculates in absentia, you will not be able to attend this ceremony.

We are often asked about timescales for receiving information, such as scholarship outcomes, when you’ll receive your College Contract or when to book for Matriculation. We hope the below information helps with your planning.

What we let you know
When we will let you know
Kellogg College full- and part-time Scholarships outcomes We hope to let you know the outcome of whether you are successful or unsuccessful in early June. Please note we are not able to email applicants whose applications were incomplete after the deadline, as these will not be considered.
University Scholarships outcomes The University offers the following information on their When are Oxford scholarships awarded to graduate applicants? web page.
Completions of Conditions First you will need to meet all the College and departmental conditions attached to the offer. We begin sending these letters to those who have met their conditions in late August. You can usually expect to receive the communication after you have received your completion of conditions from your department.
Booking for Matriculation We will email you in early September (or after you have completed the admissions process) to make arrangements for your matriculation.
Finding out about Welcome Weeks events Kellogg College Academic office will be in contact in early September with information about Welcome Weeks and induction events.
When your course induction or teaching starts This varies depending on your programme of study, please contact your Department/Faculty to find out the details.

If the answer to your question cannot be found above, please send it to, along with your name, Student Number (found on page 1 of the offer letter), and programme of study. If your enquiry is time sensitive, please indicate this in your message.

Your information in the admissions process

We will process your application information and any other information you share with us during the admissions process (e.g. evidence in your Financial Declaration, information about welfare matters) in accordance with our privacy policy, which can be found here.