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How to write a blog

Who can write a blog?

All members of Kellogg College are welcome to submit blogs. It is important that all voices within the Kellogg community are heard, so if you can’t see another blog that looks like yours, that’s a strong argument for submitting it!

What should I write about?

Write about something that interests you. It will often be your academic subject but might be a sport, a hobby or your experience of being at Kellogg. Write it your own way rather than copying someone else’s style. Take a look at our previous blogs to see the variety of subjects covered.

Should I send pictures?

Yes please! Do send a photo of yourself, plus pictures to illustrate the blog as these grab the reader’s interest. Please make sure, though, that you have the right to use any pictures, and that you pass on the photographers’ names so that they can get appropriate credit for their work.

Is there any style guidance?

The main guidance is to keep it simple and easy to read. Here are some examples of how you might do that.

  • Minimise jargon, scientific terms, and long or complicated words.
  • Keep sentences and paragraphs short.
  • Use active verbs rather than passive ones.
  • Show, don’t tell. In other words, it’s better to explain and let the readers draw their own conclusions. If you tell them what to think, it might just annoy them into thinking the opposite.

What if I have questions?

Email Alternatively, take a look at one of the many online guides, such as The Huffington Post’s How to write a blog post: 9 Dos and Don’ts.

How do I submit?

Send it to You’re also welcome to send a draft first if that works better for you.