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Donations and sponsorship

The Award is funded by a generous Bequest from Nigel Mason and donations made to support the Award’s aims. Nigel envisaged the Award as a medium-term initiative to encourage more research and analysis. The strong interest in, and support for, the Award suggests its influence should be long-term.

The Award Committee invites expressions of interest in:

Donations to the Nigel Mason Bequest fund in Nigel’s memory and to further its work
Sponsorship of aspects of the annual Award event in Oxford, the Award itself, or other specific activity connected with the Bequest or Award

The Award will have a significant profile within academic institutions, think tanks, research communities, national employee ownership organisations, policymakers and employee-owned businesses. The Award-winning research will be extensively publicised. UK and USA tax residents may make tax-efficient charitable donations.

Please see our contact information page for who to contact regarding donations and sponsorship.