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Trust the Evidence

Professor of evidence-based medicine, Carl Heneghan and Clinical Epidemiologist, Tom Jefferson, have been analysing research evidence for over two decades and communicate their findings to a broad audience.  They tackle controversial subjects that often question the status quo and have published widely in peer-reviewed journals.  Together, they’ve developed ‘Trust the Evidence’: a newsletter dedicated to discussing the latest research evidence to inform healthcare.

Read the Trust the Evidence Newsletter

Preventable Deaths Tracker

A vigilance platform to learn lessons following inquests.

The Preventable Deaths Tracker is the first and only open database of all published coroners’ PFD reports in England and Wales. It’s a data-driven learning and vigilance platform that includes over 4,900 reports and is updated weekly, providing real-time analytics and bespoke research investigations to prevent future deaths.

The mission of the Preventable Deaths Tracker is to make coronial data usable so that lessons can be learnt to improve public safety. Ultimately, we seek to save lives by reducing preventable deaths.