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College Punt

The College Punt is moored at the Cherwell Boathouse on Bardwell Road, which is a short walk from Kellogg.

The punt is available to all College members for the season, which this year runs from 16 March to 20 October 2024 (it may be available the following week, depending on the weather. Please check the booking form for exact dates). You can book the punt from 10.00 am until dusk, with the latest return time changing as the days get longer, and then shorter again.

The College does not charge for the use of the College Punt but a charge may be levied by the Cherwell Boathouse under their conditions of use, for example if equipment is lost or the punt is returned after the return time.

Rowing boats or canoes may be supplied in place of punts on request, if available and at the discretion of the staff.

The punt must be booked in advance and College members must take their University Card with them to Cherwell Boathouse on the day of their booking, as College ID, along with their booking confirmation email.

Kellogg Alumni are required to bring a printed-out version of their booking confirmation email in the absence of a University Card.

How to book

Click here to book.

Kellogg Alumni only, please email our Reception Team via (Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 19:15) and they will make your reservation for you.

  • Bookings must be made by College members. You must use your Kellogg or University email when booking, otherwise you will not receive confirmation of your booking.
  • Bookings cannot be made more than 17 days in advance and no more than one hour before the commencement of the next available slot. Booking time slots may vary if made on the day.
  • You can book the punt in fixed slots of two hours during Cherwell Boathouse opening hours. No more than two consecutive slots (i.e. four hours) may be taken by a party. You will receive confirmation of your booking and the terms and conditions for use via email shortly after a booking has been made
  • Members must bring a copy of their booking confirmation email and their University card with them to Cherwell Boathouse, as College ID, on the day of their booking. If you do not have a University card/College ID, please bring a printed copy of the booking confirmation email.
  • Make sure you time your trip so the punt is returned within your allotted time slot (remember to take the current into account). Late returns reduce the time booked by those that follow you and may be subject to a fine.


All punt enquiries should be directed to Reception via or on +44 (0)1865 612000