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Kellogg Innovates

A week of exploration and discovery for budding entrepreneurs

Take an idea. Make it real. Create your own start-up.

An opportunity to work alongside and learn from other students who have turned their research and innovative thinking into successful commercial and social enterprises in a week of stimulating idea creation and enterprise discovery.

The study and research you do as part of your time at Oxford can be so much more than just a qualification.

Increasingly, students are taking the opportunity to explore how the creative and innovative thinking they bring to their work can be combined with a spirit of enterprise to commercialise their ideas, and develop their skills as business leaders and social change makers.

That’s what Kellogg Innovates is all about.

It’s a week-long series of events, workshops, and practical exercises designed to help you tease out your ideas and nurture their potential in a broader context of business and enterprise culture.

  • Open to all graduate students in any field of study or research
  • Explore and test your ideas in a supportive environment
  • Learn from experts and other like-minded innovators


Date Time Session Workshop lead Location
Mon 18 16:00-18:00 Idea Creation workshop
Booking essential
External provider Mawby Room,
Kellogg College
Tues 19 14:00-16:00 Incubation workshop
Hatch a company from your idea
Cath Spence, OUI
and other speakers
OUI Incubator
Weds 20 16:00-17:00 Successful company and exit
I’ve made it! What next?
Torsten Reil, founder of
Natural Motion
The Hub,
Kellogg College
Thur 21 16:00-17:00 Acceleration
Oak trees from acorns
Booking essential
Jonny Thomson,
Oxford Foundry
Oxford Foundry,
Fri 22 16:30-18:30 Social Enterprise seminar
It’s not all about money and profit
Mark Mann, OUI
and other speakers
The Hub,
Kellogg College