GCHU Seminar: Next steps? Mixed use, walkable cities – watch the film
On 16 October, Kellogg’s Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation (GCHU), held the first in it’s series of public seminars , ‘Next steps? Mixed use, walkable cities’.
Our panel of speakers asked the question ‘Are walkable cities and mixed-use urban neighbourhoods fine ideas, but practically impossible to implement on a large scale?’
Karen Barrass – Independent consultant on sustainable mobility
Daniel Elsea – multidisciplinary urbanist and branding specialist, Daniel is a Director and head of communications at Allies and Morrison
Joanna Murraybrown – Joanne Murraybrown supports the delivery of sustainable transport initiatives for University of Oxford staff and students
Ben Murphy – Estate Director for the Duchy of Cornwall, with responsibility for the delivery and management of their mixeduse, walkable communities
Next in the series:
4 December 2019 – Managing migration: cities, governance, integration
This series of events are intended to stimulate provocative discussion and encourage engagement on a wide variety of topics that influence our built environment and quality of life.
If you would like to join the GCHU mailing list to receive notification of further GCHU events, please email communications@kellogg.ox.ac.uk.