Kellogg Research Member of Common Room receives Humboldt meets Leibniz Award
Congratulations to Kellogg Research Member of Common Room Biswajit Pathak, who has been selected for the Humboldt meets Leibniz Award.
The bi-annual networking event Humboldt meets Leibniz, which works under the slogan “Connecting Talents Across Generations”, focuses on a new topic each year. This year’s event Emerging Topics in Optics and Photonics, asks the questions ‘Will the twenty-first century be the age of optics? Will we be able to overcome the current limitations in designing and manufacturing optical devices at the microscale?’
Biswajit, a Postdoctoral Research Scientist in University of Oxford’s Department of Engineering Science, and Kellogg College Advisor, has been asked to present one of his team’s recent works on compressive imaging, in Hannover, Germany, later this year. At the event, organised by Leibniz University, Volkswagen Foundation and supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Biswajit will answer questions from around 150 selected PhD students and postdocs.
Dr Pathak has also been recently selected as an Event Officer for Optica in the Holography and Diffractive Optics technical group. Optica is a leading society for Optics and Photonics which was formerly known as Optical Society of America (OSA)