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GCHU Seminar: Urban green spaces and wellbeing - watch the film

March 20, 2020

Are greener cities, healthier cities?

Green urban areas arguably facilitate physical activity and relaxation, often providing a form of refuge from noise. Access to urban greenspaces – city parks, sports fields, urban woodlands and wetlands – forms part and parcel of town planning. The rise of wellbeing rhetoric and practice is similarly linked to a focus on green infrastructure. The World Health Organisation estimates that physical inactivity, linked to poor walkability and lack of access to recreational areas, accounts for 3.3% of global deaths. This seminar and discussion addresses these ideas and evidence, and asks are greener cities, really healthier cities?


Susie Dunachie, Associate Professor, Centre for Tropical Medicine and Global Health and MORU, Oxford

Andy Hong, Lead Urban Health Scientist at the George Institute for Global Health, Oxford

Peter Neal, architect and environmental planner, Peter Neal Consulting Ltd

Lucy Shaw, Head of Programmes and Partnerships, GLAM, Oxford

Watch the film