Our People
Dr Lorna Henderson
Member of Common Room
Visiting Academic
Radcliffe Department of Medicine
PhD (Warwick); Master’s (Aberdeen)
Lorna is Deputy Head of Operations at the Oxford BRC and works closely with the Head of Operations and Director to ensure that all NIHR objectives are met.
She has particular responsibility for leading on the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, and is currently leading research projects on equality and diversity at the Oxford BRC. She is also the ISO 9001 internal auditor for the BRC.
She has a degree in Sociology (Glasgow), a Master’s in Public Health and Health Services Research (Aberdeen) and a PhD in Nursing Research (Warwick), as well as being a graduate of the University of Oxford Said Business School Executive Diploma in Organisational Leadership, where she was awarded an international scholarship for outstanding female candidates.
For over ten years she worked in academia, with a particular focus on NHS patient experiences.
A trained Executive Coach, she is an NHS Leadership Academy Mentor and Coach, and graduate of the NHS Leadership Academy Mary Seacole training programme.
She is a College Advisor at Kellogg College, and also a Member of Pembroke College.