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Mr Alan Hudson

Emerita/Emeritus Fellow, Fellow

MSc, MPhil (London); MA (Oxford); FRSA

Alan has wide experience in both quantitative and qualitative research and analysis and acted as consultant in public, private and voluntary sectors.  In the 1990’s he directed a widely cited Attitudes to Work Survey with a national sample.  Subsequently he directed two survey examinations of the social attitudes of the key constituency of Basildon with particular reference to the relationship of the town’s population to central and local government.  The second study was published as Basildon: the mood of the nation (Demos).

More recently he has conducted qualitative research on employer strategies for recruitment, training and promotion in the IT and retail sectors.  He has worked with the King’s Fund on leadership and the community, Shephard Robson Architects and Slough Borough Council on ‘HeART of Slough’ and with numerous agencies on the issue of urban regeneration as well as private companies on human resource issues.


‘Human History’, chapter in The Human, Dorling Kindersley, 2004
‘Educating the people’, chapter in Key Debates in Education, Dorling Kindersley, 2004
‘Intellectuals for our times’, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, vol.6, No 4, Winter 2003, pp33-50
‘Elites and standards in higher education’, chapter in The McDonaldization of Higher Education, Westport, Conn.:Greenwood Publishing, 2002
‘The trouble with planners’, chapter in AudacitySustaining the Profession of Architecture, London: John Wiley, 2001
Who are C2s? A Social and Political Attitudes Survey, Basildon, 1992, (co-author), E&RWG, 2001)
The Mood of the Nation: Basildon Man Revisited (co-author), London: Demos, 2001