Our People
Dr Alessandra Cavarra
Fellow, Ordinary Fellow
Associate Professor in Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science
MSc, PhD Catania
Before her appointment as Associate Professor, Alessandra Cavarra worked at the Computing Laboratory as a research officer and as a contract lecturer for the Oxford University Software Engineering Programme, developing and teaching courses in object-oriented design. She has also been an external examiner for the University of Cambridge’s advanced diploma qualifications (overseas.)
Recent Publications
Cavarra and J. Kuester-Filipe. Formalizing Liveness Enriched Sequence Diagrams using ASMs. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Abstract State Machines 2004 (ASM 2004) 24-28 May 2004, Halle (Saale), Germany, pages 53-68. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3065, 2004.
A. Cavarra and J. Kuester-Filipe. Combining Sequence Diagrams and OCL for Liveness. In Proceedings of ETAPS 2004 Workshop on Semantic Foundations of Engineering Design Languages (SFEDL), Barcelona, Catalunya, 3rd April 2004. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS).
Cavarra, E. Riccobene, P. Scandurra. A framework to simulate UML models: moving from a semi-formal to a formal environment. In ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2004. Special Track on Software Engineering: Applications, Practices, and Tools, ACM Press.
E. Boerger, A. Cavarra, E. Riccobene: On formalizing UML state machines using ASM. In Information & Software Technology 46(5): 287-292 Elsevier Science (2004).
Cavarra, C. Crichton, J. Davies: A method for the automatic generation of test suites from object models. In Information & Software Technology 46(5): 309-314. Elsevier Science (2004).