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Prof Barrie Bullen

Fellow, Visiting Fellow

Tutor for Continuing Education

Department for Continuing Education

PhD, BA (Cantab)

JB Bullen is Professor Emeritus at the University of Reading, Honorary Research Fellow, Royal Holloway, University of London, and now Visiting Fellow, Kellogg College, Oxford University. He has had a long-standing interest in interdisciplinary studies and his books include The Pre-Raphaelite Body: Fear and Desire in Painting, Poetry and Criticism (OUP 1998). In 2003 he published a history of the Byzantine Revival entitled Byzantium Rediscovered and in 2005 European Crosscurrents: British Criticism and Continental Art, 1810-1910. His book Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Painter and Poet appeared in 2011. He has written two books on Thomas Hardy. The first was The Expressive Eye: Fiction and Perception in the work of Thomas Hardy (1986) and the second Thomas Hardy: The World of his Novels (2013). He is editing the séance diary of William Michael Rossetti and working on the influence of the occult on mid-nineteenth century art and literature.