Our People
Dr Bige Kahraman
Fellow, Official Fellow
Associate Professor of Finance
Saïd Business School
PhD, MPhil, MA, (Yale); BA (Bilkent)
Bige Kahraman Alper is an Associate Professor of Finance at Saïd Business School and a Fellow of Kellogg College at the University of Oxford.
She holds a PhD in Economics from Yale University with specialisations in financial economics and econometrics. She is a Research Affiliate in the Financial Economics programme of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and an Economic Adviser to Financial Conduct Authority.
Bige’s research focuses on analysing the sources of market frictions giving rise to market inefficiency and systematic liquidity crises. Her recent studies quantify the importance of various frictions – for instance, arising from capital constraints, organisational structures in asset management intermediaries and asymmetric information – and examine the role of financial innovation that can help markets overcome these frictions. Her papers appear in top academic journals such as Journal of Finance and Review of Financial Studies.
At Oxford Saïd, Bige is teaching the Firms and Market (Microeconomics) core course in the MBA and Executive MBA programmes.