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Prof David Griffiths

Fellow, Official Fellow

Professor of Archaeology

Department for Continuing Education

PhD, BA (Durham); MA (Oxford); FSA; FSA Scot.; MCIfA

David Griffiths is a Professor of Archaeology at University of Oxford, the Director of Studies in Archaeology (OUDCE) and Course Director for Postgraduate courses (part-time DPhil in Archaeology, MSc in Applied Landscape Archaeology).

Background and Research

David studied at Durham University and the University of Tromsø, Norway.  He previously worked as a pipeline archaeologist for British Gas Construction, in commercial archaeological consultancy and fieldwork, and as a temporary lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology, UCL. His research focuses on the early medieval period in Europe and the North Atlantic zone, within a landscape context.  He is interested in coastal archaeology, trade and trading sites, past climatic and environmental change, geophysical prospection, and community archaeology.