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Dr David Wallom

Research Member of Common Room

Associate Director - Oxford e-Research Centre

Department of Engineering Science

PhD; BSc (Hons)

Dr David Wallom is the Associate Director – Innovation of the Oxford e-Research Centre, where he leads three different activities, Energy and ICT, Cloud Computing and Volunteer Computing. He has had over 20 research projects in areas such as Cloud utilisation, Smart Energy Grids, Research data management, Green IT, ICT security and ICT for the Square Kilometer Array astrophysics project.

He is also the Technical Director of the UK national e-infrastructure for research (c.f. OpenScienceGrid) the UK NGS; Key activities include the supervision and direction of the projects research and development functions and the development of a service based federated cloud computing provision. He also leads the NGS membership program, overseeing the interaction between the NGS, collaborating large research projects and institutional research computing facilities connected into the national e-infrastructure.