Our People
Dr Fanqi Zeng
Junior Research Fellow, Research Member of Common Room
Post-doctoral Fellow
Department of Sociology
PhD (University of Bristol)
Fanqi is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Sociology at Oxford. He works on the Wellcome Trust-funded project FORESFA (Forensic Epidemiology and Impact of Substandard and Falsified Antimicrobials on Public Health), wherein he studies global fake medicines trading, and the European Research Council Advanced Grant-funded project CRIMGOV (Production, Trade and Governance: a New Framework for the Understanding of Organized Crime, wherein he studies organised crime. He is also an associate at the Oxford China Centre, and a tutor at the Oxford Internet Institute.
He has a strong interest in interdisciplinary research. Previously, he earned his PhD from the Department of Engineering Mathematics at the University of Bristol. His doctoral research focused on the top-down and bottom-up approaches to understanding complex systems such as collective behaviours and ecosystems, employing model-leading and data-driven methods, including agent-based modelling, network science, machine learning, game theory, and so on.