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Prof Ian Menter

Emerita/Emeritus Fellow, Fellow

Department of Education

BEd (Hons) University of Bristol, MEd (CNAA)

Ian Menter is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in the UK and was President of the British Educational Research Association (BERA), 2013-15.  He is Emeritus Professor of Teacher Education at the University and was formerly the Director of Professional Programmes in the Department of Education.  He is an Emeritus Fellow of Kellogg College.

He previously worked at the Universities of Glasgow, the West of Scotland, London Metropolitan, the West of England and Gloucestershire.  Before that he was a primary school teacher in Bristol, England. He is now a Visiting or Honorary Professor at three UK universities (Bath Spa, Ulster and Exeter) and is a Senior Research Associate at Kazan Federal University, Russia.

He was President of the Scottish Educational Research Association (SERA) from 2005-2007 and was a member of the steering group for the BERA/RSA Inquiry into Research and Teacher Education.  His main research interests are in research, policy and practice in teacher education, including comparative studies of this topic.  Recent publications include: Learning to Teach in England and the United States (Tatto, Burn, Menter, Mutton and Thompson; Routledge, 2018); A Companion to Research in Teacher Education (Peters, Cowie and Menter, Eds.; Springer, 2017); Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Learning to Teach – a cross-national study (Tatto and Menter, Eds.; Bloomsbury, 2019).