Our People
Prof Jeremy Gibbons
Fellow, Official Fellow
Professor of Computing
Department of Computer Science
DPhil, MA (Oxford); BSc (Edinburgh); CEng; CITP; MBCS; FIAP
Jeremy Gibbons has been a fellow of Kellogg College since October 1999. He teaches on the Software Engineering Programme in the Department of Computer Science, where he also served as Deputy Head for 2008–2010. Before joining Kellogg, he held lectureships at Oxford Brookes University and the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
His research interests are in programming methodology; that is, in better languages for writing computer programs, and better ways of using the languages we already have. He is particularly concerned with functional languages (which emphasize computing with values rather than with actions) and object-oriented languages (which encourage program structures that reflect the structure of the real-world entities they are modelling), and with model-driven engineering (in which programs are generated automatically from higher-level models of structure and behaviour).
He was Chair of the International Federation for Information Processing’s Working Group 2.1 on “Algorithmic Languages and Calculi” from 2009 to 2015, and Vice Chair of ACM SIGPLAN, the foremost international specialist group on programming languages, for 2012 to 2015.
For a list of publications visit his department page.