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Prof Kokilakumari Lakhoo

Fellow, Ordinary Fellow

Professor and Consultant Paediatric Surgeon

Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences

PhD (University of Witwatersrand); FRCS (Edin+Eng), FCS (Paed), MRCPCH, MBBCH (University of Natal)

Professor Kokila Lakhoo is a consultant paediatric surgeon at the Children’s Hospital in Oxford and the University of Oxford.  Besides general paediatric surgery and ambulatory surgery her special interests are: global health, fetal counselling, neonatal surgery, paediatric tumour surgery, paediatric thoracic surgery and specialist gastrointestinal surgery. She is chair of the international forum for the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons and is personally developing paediatric surgery through a link in Tanzania, Malawi and South Africa. She is the president of the Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery (GICS) that has followed on from the Lancet Commission. She is also developing global surgery in the Department of Surgical Sciences.

Professor Lakhoo is the editor of four books, including a recent joint venture with her African colleague as editor of the text book Paediatric Surgery: a comprehensive text for Africa (Global-Help publishers). She has to date contributed 71 chapters to paediatric surgical text books and has over 300 peer reviewed publications.