Our People
Dr Lisbeth Brevik
Member of Common Room
Associate Professor and PhD Coordinator, University of Oslo, Norway
Professor Lisbeth M Brevik is an award-winning teacher educator and researcher. She is a qualified teacher from Norway with 13 years of experience from teaching secondary school. She joined the University of Oslo, Norway as a Full Professor in 2021 within the Department of Teacher Education and School Research. She has developed and taught doctoral courses in mixed methods and language ecology, in addition to supervising doctoral and master’s students.
Her field of research is English education, and over the years, she has gained expertise in video-recorded classroom research, to study reading comprehension, life skills, and gaming-enhanced research, with a focus on adolescents. She is the PI of several research projects, including LANGUAGES which is funded by the Research Council of Norway for the period 2021–2025. LANGUAGES is a collaboration between universities in Norway (University of Oslo, University of Bergen), France (École normale supérieure de Lyon) and England (University of Exeter, University of Oxford).
In 2021 she was appointed Academic Chair of the European University Alliance, Circle U. In 2020 she was recognized with the University of Oslo’s Excellence in Teaching Award and she was appointed Recognized Lecturer in 2020. In 2019 she was awarded the prize for Excellent Research Dissemination at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. She is the author of articles, chapters and anthologies. Lisbeth is a founding member of the Pedagogical Academy at the University of Oslo, and an editorial board member of the International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches (IJMRA) and Reading in a Foreign Language (RFL). She has been the PhD coordinator at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research, University of Oslo, Norway; External evaluator of the Teacher Education Programme at the University of Bergen, Norway; a member of the Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA); a visiting scholar at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, and at Washington University in St. Louis, USA.
Lisbeth has a presence on Circle U, ResearchGate, and Orcid.