Our People
Dr Ozren Stojanovic
Research Member of Common Room
Post-doctoral Research Assistant
Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
PhD (ETH Zurich, Switzerland); MSc (University of Zagreb)
Dr Ozren Stojanovic is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, in the group of Prof Robin Klemm. He studies cellular organization of lipid uptake and release in adipocytes – the major site of fat storage and mobilization in our bodies. He has a decade-long international research experience in metabolic regulation in health and disease, with a focus on obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, which are some of the most prevailing health challenges today.
Before joining the University of Oxford in 2020, Ozren obtained MSc in molecular biology at the University of Zagreb, and his PhD degree at ETH Zurich, Switzerland. His postdoctoral work at the University of Geneva led to the discovery of the novel roles of gut microbiota and intestinal metabolism in remarkable, physiological adaptations of the intestinal and adipose tissue, in response to changing energy balance of the organism.
Ozren is especially interested in translational aspects of basic metabolic research and applications of new in vitro tissue technologies in research and treatment of obesity.
ORCiD: orcid.org/0000-0002-9418-3754