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Dr Paul Irwin Crookes

Fellow, Ordinary Fellow

Associate Head of Division (Education), Social Sciences Division; Associate Professor, Contemporary China Studies; and Director of Graduate Studies

Oxford School of Global and Area Studies

MPhil and PhD (Cantab), BSc (LSE)                        

Paul Irwin Crookes is Associate Head of Division (Education), Social Sciences Division. His responsibilities include strategic leadership for all aspects of Social Sciences educational provision, from admissions and access to teaching, learning and assessment policy. He is also an Associate Professor and the Director of Graduate Studies at the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies (OSGA), where he teaches courses on China’s foreign policy and international relations as part of the School’s team in Contemporary China Studies. He received his MPhil and PhD degrees from the Centre of International Studies at the University of Cambridge and holds a BSc(Economics) from the London School of Economics.

Paul embarked on an academic career after working for 20 years in the international IT industry, a role which took him on work assignments to the United States, Europe, India and China. During this time, he provided technology-led consultancy services to many different kinds of organisations, including high-tech start-ups, multinational corporations, financial institutions, and government agencies.

Paul has particular research interests in Europe’s economic and political relations with China, Asia-Pacific balance of power and China’s innovation capabilities. His most recent book is The Politics of EU-China Economic Relations: An Uneasy Partnership (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) co-authored with John Farnell. He has also published work in journals such as China Information, International Politics, The RUSI Journal, European Foreign Affairs Review and China’s World as well as written articles on China’s international relations for online policy forums such as Asia Dialogue, ChinaFile and Europe’s World.

For a full list of his publications and for details of Paul’s participation in cross-area research clusters within OSGA, please see his departmental website profile: