Our People
Dr Ruth Yeoman
Fellow, Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Saïd Business School
Ruth Yeoman is a Fellow of Kellogg College, University of Oxford, where she leads a range of research projects at the Centre for Mutual and Co-owned Business. These include: Ownership, Leadership and Meaningful Work (British Academy), Values to Shared Value Creation in Sustainable Supply Chain Management (John Fell) and The Meaningful City (with the University of Tampere and Hermes Investment Mangement). She writes on the importance of meaningful work and researches the ethics and practice of mutuality in co-owned and conventionally owned enterprises.
Her book, Meaningful Work and Workplace Democracy: a philosophy of work and a politics of meaningfulness was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2014. She is lead editor for a forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Meaningful Work.
For the Saïd Business School, she worked with Professor Colin Mayer to establish the ‘Mutuality in Business’ research programme with funding from Mars Incorporated. For Professor Birgitte Andersen and Will Hutton at the Big Innovation Centre, she led a collaboration including the Bank of England and the Office of National Statistics investigating the role of intangible assets in national wealth creation. She was recently appointed a member of the HM Treasury Council of Economic Advisers and is an advisor for the Fabian Society’s Changing Work Centre.
Dr Yeoman is currently writing a monograph called Ethical Organising: Meaningfulness and Mutuality in Organisational Design, to be published in 2019 by Routledge in their Business Ethics series. She is regularly called upon to speak to audiences such as the European Commission, the UK and other Governments, private corporations, and to deliver conference keynotes on a variety of topics including the future of work, corporate social/environmental sustainability and public service transformation.