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Dr Xavier Laurent

Research Member of Common Room

Learning Technologist

Centre for Teaching and Learning

My academic credentials include a PhD in Psychology, with a focus on experimental research, where I developed computerised episodic memory and attention tasks, in a virtual environment, to quantify memory recall. Both my PhD and current research have prepared me for work in the various fields I am interested in, e.g. teaching and learning, experimental psychology, social sciences and physics.

As a learning technologist in the Centre for Teaching and Learning, my role is to support academic development of teaching and learning in line with agreed institutional priorities for digital education, and in partnership with students and colleagues in academic divisions and professional services. For example, I have to work closely and collaboratively with colleagues in academic departments/faculties and across the University (Education Policy Support, Libraries, IT Services, Disability Advisory Service etc.) to plan, support and evaluate digital education and enhancement initiatives in line with agreed institutional priorities for teaching and learning.