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Membership in the Pandemic EVIDENCE Collaboration

This Pandemic EVIDENCE collaboration has been established with the purpose of identifying, developing and implementing strategies to generate high-quality evidence for non-pharmacological interventions (NPIs) during public health emergencies to inform policy and care decisions.

Individuals interested in becoming a member of the Collaboration and participating in its work will require confidence in our purpose and rationale, alignment to our principles and agreement to participate in the Collaboration as defined. Details of the Purpose, Rationale, Principles, and Definitions of collaboration for the Evidence-based Collaboration may be found here.

The Pandemic EVIDENCE Collaboration acknowledges member contributions and offers opportunities to develop new skills and partnerships. We value diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. Every member must maintain co-operation, teamwork, integrity, openness, transparency, scientific rigour and independence.

Specific expectations for membership in the Collaboration are outlined below

Specific Expectations of Membership

• Participate in seminars, events, working group and other relevant meetings of the Pandemic EVIDENCE Collaboration
• Engage in the review of the scientific programme for international meetings as requested
• Participate in international symposiums/conferences
• Develop one or more ‘oven-ready’ research protocols in an area of interest related to the Working Pillars and Cross-Cutting Themes found here
• Generate high-quality evidence (including, but not solely limited to, randomized controlled trials) in an area of interest related to the Working Pillars and Cross-Cutting Themes relevant to pandemic and epidemic settings
• Generate evidence on the short and long-term consequences of NPI policies and practice, including inequities, on health (e.g., length and quality of life), economic (e.g., income, housing and food security), psychosocial (e.g., community cohesion) and environmental (i.e., natural and built environment) outcomes
• Contribute to the dissemination of findings and promote effective knowledge exchange
• Mentor/supervise Evidence-Informed Fellows as appropriate to a member’s expertise
• Participate in the authorship of peer reviewed original manuscripts
• Declare any specific conflicts of interest in any area of engagement
• Agreement that continued membership is subject to sustained activity based on a yearly basis

Interested individuals may apply to become a member of the Collaboration and may do so in writing by providing the following:
1. A letter of expression of interest outlining interests related to the Purpose, Rationale, Principles, and Definitions of the Evidence-based Collaboration and experience in evidence-based medicine
2. An updated abbreviated CV (up to three pages only with a font no less than 10pt)
3. If required by your institution, a letter of reference from your Department Head or Institute Director

Applications may be forwarded to the following link. All membership requests will be reviewed to ensure eligibility by at least 2 members of the Founding Steering Committee. Applications will be reviewed twice per year on September 1 and March 1 (or next business day as needed) with notification within 10 working days from the final review date.


Application can be submitted via this form.

Evidence-Informed Fellows

The Pandemic EVIDENCE Collaboration invited interested individuals to apply for an Evidence-Informed Fellowship

All applications were reviewed by a panel that included Founding Evidence-Informed Fellows and members of the Founding Scientific Planning committee.

Awardees are allocated funds of £6,500 for the duration of the project (01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026) to cover costs associated with contributing to the collaboration aims. Generously funded by the McCall MacBain Foundation.