News archive
Kellogg at COP26
We hear from Visiting Fellow Katherine Maxwell who spent time at COP26 in Glasgow
Alumna wins prestigious literary prize
Jesse Sutanto (Mst Creative Writing, 2007) has won the 2021 Comedy Women in Print Prize for her novel Dial A for Aunties.
Courtier, Scholar and Man of the Sword
A new book by Emerita Fellow Dr Christine Jackson examines the life and writings of Lord Herbert of Cherbury
Kellogg MCR Committee elections - voting now open!
Being elected to the MCR is a great privilege and opportunity to participate in College life as well as to shape the College’s activities!
Kellogg student's film forms basis of UN's Global Migrant's Day Event
Kubilay Ahmet Küçük's documentary 'Our Only Home' focuses on the long-lasting social issues of migration caused by limited integration policies and persistent racial discrimination.
Dr Katherine Maxwell appointed as a Visiting Fellow
Dr Katherine Maxwell has been appointed as a Visiting Fellow and will be based at the Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation
Inaugural Black History Month Lecture: Watch the film
Watch the film of our inaugural Black History Month Lecture, given by Dr Jason Arday
Mapping brain network activity from structural connectivity using deep learning
Royal Commission Industrial Fellowship for Kellogg student Andrei-Claudiu Roibu with F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd